Monday, June 2, 2008

Are you prepared??

In church today it was announced that in August there will be an extreme shortage of wheat and rice and pasta. That these items are going to cost a crazy amount of money. Due to the devastating storms in the Eastern Hemisphere and the high gas prices throughout, there will be a worldwide shortage of wheat, rice & pasta for at least 1 full year as of August. How is your food supply? Stock up now. The prophets have warned us to have a year supply of food so we can be self reliant during these times of struggle. It has been said that is will happen overnight and if you are not prepared you will not have enough. I have been working on a food supply but not nearly what it needs to be. I encourage all to have food storage now. When the need is there everyone will need it and the time to prepare is gone. The stores will be empty. Take care of your families.


Susan said...

I'm sorry....I don't doubt the situation that truly will exist. In fact I think it's going to be much more widespread than those 3 items. It's just the scare tactic that drives me nuts. It's not like we haven't been warned for decades. So yes, Deborah Readers! Get crackin'. Giant Eagle has 10 boxes of pasta for $10. And I haven't seen a limit. And you don't need to can this stuff. Just buy it and store it correctly. And it will easily last 1 year...if not more. and for me the telling part is that Sam's has limited the quantity of rice you can buy 2 months back. so some people knew. That should have been a clue to anyone. Now Who's got a Sam's card and will they take me?!

Mike and Mary Lee said...

The price of rice has increased here in Cambodia. But the need for rice in this culture is real. They eat rice at all their meals. They do add other things such as veg. and little meat. But the main part of their diet is rice - thus the need is great in this part of the world. The Cambodians are not the only people that eat rice at every meal, it is all of Asia.