Tuesday, January 8, 2008

I have been tagged...

I've been tagged by Susan

The rules of the game:
• Link to the person that tagged you and post the rules on your blog.
• Share 7 random and/or weird facts about yourself on your blog, as we all want to know them.
• Tag 7 random people at the end of your post and include links to their blogs.• Let each person know that they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog

Well as I was asking my husband what was weird about me he went on and on....I had to stop him and of course comment in defense of some answers.

1.) The first one being... I blew a fuse yesterday by running the dishwasher, toaster oven, and computer, with the lights on all on the same fuse around 1:30pm. I wouldn't flip the fuse breaker. I waited for Max to come home. at 5:30pm. He says this is weird... to me perfectly normal. Now there is a complete explanation about why... The breaker is in the basement. I have a very weird phobia about basements, I avoid them pretty much at all costs. I can't explain it. The other reason i did not flip the breaker is going to be my #2.

2.) I really hate insects, especially spiders and bees. I will seriously go out of my way to avoid being next to a spider (spiders live in basements, at least our basement). They just really freak me out. I know I know "they" say spiders are all around me and I don't even know it, "they" also say you eat so many spiders in a life time(possibly as one sleeps). Well I guess my love for sleep trumps my phobia because I don't seem to have a hard time sleeping, or maybe I just don't believe the rumor. Now I am pretty sure bees bother me because I was swarmed by black hornets as a child and I just did not enjoy that experience. Yet I did survive the attack, obviously.

3.) When I was single, I lived in DC. I loved to exercise!!! I would get such a high trying to find a great place to run. My favorite spot was going from the Capitol building to the Lincoln Monument and back. It was only a 4 mile jog.

4.) Unlike most people who met their husbands at college, or through friends, I met my husband in an Internet chat room. I don't recommend this to anyone there are too many crazy people. I just got very lucky... actually very blessed. We will be having our 9th anniversary in March.

5.)I changed my major several times while attending BYU. As a freshman I was a political science major, that was only one semester since I really did not understand my philosophy class. Then I changed to Business Management. I studied that for about 2 years, but one semester as I was bored out of my mind in the accounting class wishing I was studying the cadaver in my elective anatomy class, a light bulb went on that maybe business wasn't my thing. So again I changed to an Agriculture Biology which then was fine tuned into Zoology. And I graduated with a BS in Zoology 12/1995. My father was glad I finally graduated. I then went on to specialize in Dental Hygiene, which I completed at Howard University in D.C. 2 years later.

6. )I love a great thunderstorm. I love watching lighting streak across the sky. I love watching heavy rain fall. I love counting between lighting and thunder to determine the distance to the storm.

7.)I love playing games, I could play games all the time. Some would say I am very competitive. I would correct them to saying I like to play well and correctly. My dad says I cheat. I am not one to cheat except one time. It was past 1AM, I was playing Euchre, I was tired and wanted to go to bed and the tournament was going on forever. It needed to end. So I made sure it ended.
I think we should put together a game night every once and a while.

now to those who are to be tagged.... the list is limited as to the fact I don't know anyone elses blogs



Susan said...

Just for your basement...go to the library. Take out Stephen King's collection of short stories called Four Past Midnight but only read the Langoliers. You just have to read this story. For fun. For me.

I can't believe you ran all that way in DC...that's something Jocelyn would do. Why you girls run alone is beyong me....don't you read the papers?

Thunderstorms are indeed wonderful to watch and wonder at.

And cheat? Come on...it's called winning at all costs. Just be sly and do not get caught.

Tammy said...

I am perfectly normal - not weird at ALL! Sorry I just got you email - I was in New Orleans at the depressing BCS bowl - I cheered for Ohio State the whole game - even though LSU cheated!

Mike and Mary Lee said...

One way to get rid of spiders in basements is to spray with spider killer. Do it roulinely and pretty soon you can go into your basement to turn on your electricity. I know the reason you are afraid of basements. You kids played some terribly frightening games down in our basement. You also probably watched some scarry movies about basements.
You see susan also can appreciate the worry I had as you ran around Washington DC alone.

Terra said...

didn't realize that you were a zoology major. I majored in Conservation Bio but took lots of zoology classes