Wednesday, September 24, 2008


Okay, so we have been in school for a few weeks. Lots of new things going on, but can anyone give me hints as to how to do all this homework and soccer and church and dinner and yard and dishes and bedtime and and and..etc..... I have a child who has a difficult time doing homework every afternoon. I am having challenges. She is grumpy, hyper, and irritated at this time of day and it doesn't get better later on. Plus she has things to do in the evening so this is the only time to do homework. I try to stay happy, positive focus on getting it done. Today she had a soccer game needing to be there at 5:40, we started homework, 4:10, she did not stay on task. I had told her from the beginning homework first. It must be done or she will not be able to play at her soccer game. 5:30 rolls around. She is not done(this is after many reminders). I called her soccer coach and told her the situation and if and when she comes she will come to support the team but not play. After this transpires she threw such a royal fit, seriously more than I have ever seen her throw, screaming at the top of her lungs in frustration. I sent her to her room to cool down, explaining that if she finishes her homework she could go to the game, but will not play. (I am amazed I kept my cool and "responded" not "reacted" to her) After 5 or so minutes of cooling down she came directly out of the room to the table and finished rather rapidly. There were only 20 mins left in the game when she got there but, she sat on the sides with the team, but did not play.
I am searching for help... suggestions,... ideas that have helped you with challenging children to do homework. I love this child, but hate the attitude.


Mimi said...

Way to go Deb!!!! I have learned with my girls the most effective way to get my point across (and also the hardest sometimes) is follow through. It may take a few times of that kind of rough situation but they get it when they know you mean business. You are a great mom and according to Max's myspace he is perfect (cough, cough) I grew up with him I know better). Keep it up darling!! Your life will be crazy from now until graduation, but it really is the best time of your life. I Love you all, Mimi

Amy Franklin said...

Boy, those times are tough, aren't they? I think it was a really good sign that she did eventually calm down and do her homework. And it is great that you stuck to your guns about the soccer game. What a great idea--soccer is obviously important to her so it may be a good incentive to keep her motivated. And maybe the next time won't be quite as bad, since she knows Mom means business. Hang in there, hang tough--you can do it!!

Katrina said...

Welcome to our world--homework woes and soccer. Sounds like things at our house! First grade Parker, who is a joy and LOVES reading and likes it when he has homework is a huge difference from Ten year old, 5th Grade Scottie, who pretty much hates everything to do with school, especially reading! They don't even get home from school until after 4:00. It's always a rush for homework, and like tonight, soccer practice from 6-7:30! Scott and I butt heads so much that Kevin usually works with him on homework--even when it's simple and he knows he can do it, he'll waste his time having fits! I don't get it.
Thankfully he only has to read a chapter in a book tonight, doesn't matter to me, I've got a date with a few friends to watch Survivor premiere and ER! Ahhh, the life. jk, I never do this, this one time is an acception.
Sounds like you handled things well. We even have fits with putting soccer socks and guards on, he's really got issues with clothing! Sigh! I just keep thinking "this too shall pass."
Love ya, Deb!

Kate said...

Hugs! I've been thinking alot lately about the prophetic counsel not to overschedule our kids. This last month has been my first experience with it and boy does it suck! I think you handled the situation really well, bravo! I made Calin skip most of a soccer game once when he was being a brat about eating his dinner (he enjoys homework-for now at least, our issue is getting him to eat the "yucky" dinners I torture him with.

Nikki said...

just stick to your guns and it looks like you did just that. good job. I hate homework time too. We just get into a habit of snack, homework , piano and then play. I let Noah decide what to do first piano or homework, it works sometimes. Keep at it! But I hear ya we had a major melt down today, oh well. There's always tomorrow.

Unknown said...

Sounds like it all worked out. It is hard. As I think back to our schedules, I wonder if we had too much on our plates. But motivation helps too. I wonder if children need a little brake from school before they start homework, but then the soccer times don't allow that.

kimlis said...

I remember those times when homework was a tug-of-war when your babysitter hated homework like the plaque! Somewhere along the line, things changed; I'm foggy now on when that was... As a high schooler and senior she has a 4.? gpa and has been getting her homework done in the freetime in class for years while her peers sit around yakking. She's been using her time wisely at school and when the work does come home she's taken responsibility for it.

Maybe it was that nit-pickly program in 7th grade that finally taught her HOW to be organized and get things done?

Never fear, Deborah dear, this too WILL pass... Keep on being the good mommy you are...