Thursday, March 20, 2008

Passover Week

This being the passover week, I remember ,as a child, the wall in our kitchen adorn with pictures of Christ and what happened each day of this week. I try and remember on each day what Christ went through many many years ago. Beginning with Sunday being Palm Sunday, Christ riding a humble donkey enters Jerusalem across palm leaves laid down on the ground to the sacrifice in the Garden of Gethsemane to Thursday being the trial of Christ, tomorrow being Friday as the day Christ was scourged, crowned with thorns and crucified, and entombed. Saturday being the day Christ's spirit is forming the spirit world, and then on the third day, Sunday, Christ body is reunited with his spirit and is Resurrected. Christ lives again, even today.

I am grateful to know of the true meaning of Easter. I know that Christ was resurrected. I know that we too will be able to follow in His footsteps and be resurrected. This resurrection is His free gift to us. I feel a great peace knowing of his ultimate love and sacrifice for me. I am overwhelmed as I read and learn of how great His sacrifice and pain actually was, I am humbled that He would do such a task, even to someone such as I. I am eternally indebted and grateful to Him for loving me so much as to prepare a way I can return and live with him once again. This knowledge brings me great joy.

As we prepare this week for Easter remember the real meaning behind the celebration and for a moment in time reflect on what you are doing to show gratitude for this sacrifice and gift he has given to you, ETERNAL LIFE.


Nikki said...

Thank you for helping us to remember the reason we celebrate Easter!

Mike and Mary Lee said...

Dear Deb,
Thanks so much, it was beautiful to read your remembering. Here in Cambodia we ask the saints what Easter means and they are not sure, I think it is that they don't know the word Easter but know of the Resurrection. I am giving a talk on Easter to both branches. They thought Easter was in April.

Susan said...

Despite the recommendations to have such pix on display in our homes, I have always balked at it. There are small moments, hidden pictures, that I can find when I need them that don't blare out who/what I am or who/what I am supposed to be. Yet, here I sit, in my computer room and have this lovely picture calendar...and this month's view? The pure in heart. I think you are one of those....and I'd like to be more than I am.

Kate said...

Thank you for sharing this!

Katrina said...

Thanks for the reminder that I don't think I got (or took) the full opportunity to feel yesterday! Love you, Deb!

Tammy said...

I think it awesome that you remember that as I do - I have thought about duplicating what mom did- but I just didn't get it done. Thanks for helping me to prioritize that for my family.