Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Isn't it spring yet???

I don't know what is different about this year, but I am really ready for spring. Yesterday in the 61 degree sunny weather day has made me tired of the COLD gloomy days. Today is a cold gloomy rainy day and I am ready for spring!!!!! I saw a robin outside my door 3 weeks ago, I thought spring must be around the corner, no... just 6 more inches of snow and I thought where is my robin? Sunday it was warming up and sunny, I saw my robin with another robin.... My heart smiled thinking spring is coming... but now back to ice storms and snow. I never thought I got the "winter blues", but yesterday I felt so much better and happier in the warm sun. I know weather has an affect on my emotions. I am ready for spring.


Mike and Mary Lee said...

No tulips in Cambodia, no Winter so there is no Spring. Hope it comes soon for you, Winters can be long and tiresome. It is true in life too, some of our challenges may be long and tiresome, but Spring comes.

Kate said...

You and me both!

Katrina said...

Will it ever end? I totally agree, this has been a LONG one! It's gotta change soon. I'm tired of the cold wind, it's SO windy here. Hang in there!

Susan said...

spring doesn't come for another 2 weeks or so. do not speed along spring...or you'll be speeding along your life as well. take each day as it comes and just KNOW that spring will be here.